IDLE HANDS is a free, printable colouring and activity zine/booklet during the pandemic to give parents, tiny humans and a host of volunteer artists stuck at home something to do; but really just a way for an ever-changing bunch of people to make something together.
issue 1 - a random collection of things
Contributing artists: Dan Castro / Rex Crowle / Pencil Bandit / Beatrix Hatcher / Corcutt Collective / Ellie Blanche (age 10) / Kenny Ratchett / Scriberia / Want Some Studio / Jon Dunleavy / Sarah Mattison / parallel teeth
Contributing artists: Luke Crawford / Emei Burell / Roisin Therese / Mads Skovbukke / Thunder & Ice Cream / John Beech / Alex Goddard / Jade Hill / Alex Donovan / Sam Curcio / Sarah Creates / Alice Prentice / Rob Johnson / George Halse / Annalees Lim / Jenny Nilsson / Headless Greg / Dan Castro / Rex Crowle / Pencil Bandit / Beatrix Hatcher / Corcutt Collective / Ellie Blanche (age 10) / Kenny Ratchett / Jon Dunleavy / Sarah Mattison / parallel teeth
Contributing artists: Emei Burell / Roisin Therese / Mads Skovbukke / Thunder & Ice Cream / Alex Donovan / Rob Johnson / Annalees Lim / Sofie Nilsson / Dan Castro / Corcutt Collective / Ellie Blanche (age 10) / Kenny Ratchett / Jon Dunleavy / Sarah Mattison